DataFeedWatch Blog | Data feed optimization tips

We help forests grow!

Written by Magdalena Nowicka | September 1, 2021 8:45:00 AM Z


Our commitment to supporting the sustainable growth of eCommerce businesses at the end of 2020 was the very beginning of our very own DataFeedWatch forest.

We made a promise that when we grow, our forest grows, to offset our carbon footprint and achieve climate neutrality.

Fast-forward to 2021, we celebrate the achievement of an incredible milestone.

Thanks to the support from our amazing clients and partners at Tree-Nation, our forest has now grown by more than 10,000 trees, giving us the prominent status of Tree Partner.

We are joining companies around the globe in making the world a greener and better place. For each new business signing up with DataFeedWatch, we are planting a tree. We do not plan to stop here, because it is simply not enough. We will continue to celebrate more of our milestones and winnings, by adding one tree at a time to our DataFeedWatch forest.

Jacques van der Wilt, CEO & Founder of DataFeedWatch

We Help Merchants Grow

As we are approaching the end of 2020 - the year of many significant changes in our industry and our day-to-day lives, we cannot

help but see that what we do and how we act has a real impact on the environment. What should come with this realization? Action.

Every day we help merchants grow bigger and stronger, and today we want to make sure that our philosophy of growth also includes the natural environment. From now on, we are not only helping merchants grow their businesses, but we also want to facilitate the growth of trees and real life forests. The motto, that we have chosen to work by, obliges! 

We are starting our collaboration with Tree Nation - the largest reforestation platform allowing citizens and companies to plant trees all around the world. Since their beginnings in 2006, they have planted over 5 million trees with the support of more than 130,000 users and 2,200 companies.

Saving the planet one tree at a time

According to calculations annual emissions of an office-based employee are 3 tonnes CO2eq (...) but assumed to be 3.6 tonnes CO2eq in Europe. That means that a company of 100 people produces at least 360 tonnes CO2eq every year on their employees themselves.

As we learn more and more about our planet, we see that lowering emissions is only one of the ways of fighting climate change. Another one is carbon capture - and trees are our best friends in this fight: they absorb CO2, store carbon and eject oxygen. 

Research shows that planting trees is the most efficient and the cheapest method to fight climate change. One tree is able to offset on average around 200 kg of CO2 over its lifetime, or 10 kg per year for 20 years. But there are not nearly enough trees to neutralize the damaging effects we have on the environment.

What’s the plan?

Growing is part of our brand - we want to support the growth of more and more businesses while remaining as sustainable and CO2 neutral as possible. 

We are starting simple - by planting one tree with every new sign up. However, we have bigger and better plans to continue our journey - from assessing and mineralizing our carbon footprint, to finally becoming completely carbon-neutral.

The next step

We do not plan to stop here,  because it is just simply not enough. In the upcoming years we also want to celebrate our milestones and winnings, by planting trees. We are starting a collaboration with Tree Nation and their partners to become carbon-neutral and eliminate the negative footprint we have on the environment. 

You will hear more about our journey to carbon neutrality soon!